Things are already becoming intense and it’s only week 2 of the semester. I’ve been trying to stay on top of the reading and all craziness related to nursing. I don’t want to be as stressed out as I was last semester. Did the ropes course on Tuesday of this week and I surprised myself by not freaking out over heights as usual. I talked myself into trying everything at least once and in a way it was good for me. Found out that life in general gives you as much as you are willing to put into it. There is my nugget of wisdom for the day. ... Even though I’m sure I read that someplace else back when I still read books for fun. Does writing about our lives make us more narcissistic or just more aware? Maybe it a bit of both….there we go again with the grey areas. I miss black and white, and defined edges, and certainty!
In other news , I finally stuck to the exercise routine, let’s hope it survives clinicals and I don’t find myself lying on the living room floor asking myself why I’m doing this even though it exhausts me both mentally and physically. I never questioned myself so much until nursing school. Everything seems to have shifted, including the ground underneath my feet. I’m even questioning questioning. But according to the research class, questions are good. Apparently that’s how all the cool stuff starts. ..Somebody somewhere said "but why?" So I’ll keep questioning and finding the gaps. Maybe I’ll send up flares and draw some attention, or I’ll make a quiet discovery and be content. Who knows.