Wednesday, September 24, 2008

the power within

Somewhere inside of us
lies hidden the ability to do all the things we'd rather not,
the strength to try a little more when we think couldn't make another step
the nerve to deal with everything that we are afraid of ,
the vitality to start over, when we think we are spent
the assurance that we are uniquely beautiful
and the good sense to be proud of ourselves even when no one is noticing much less applauding,
the ability to live in the present and make the most of now,
the wisdom to live with the knowledge that someone is always going to be better than us at something but that doesn't mean we are not good enough,
the faith that there is always some good that can come out of something bad,
the courage to discover facets of ourselves that we have never known existed,
the patience we need to deal with our own shortcomings and not treat life like a death sentence,
the humility to laugh at ourselves, (and join others as they do)
the capacity to live without regret, for things not done or those done wrong,
and to look back over the years and find that we truly have lived,
like only we could have.


  1. wish i had that strength. if it is inside of me, it must be so far i can't reach it. lovely, just don't have what it takes to believe it all.

  2. @Feather, yes you do. You just don't feel it. I know alot of people who don't realise how together they have it. Thats okay, the ones who know you and love you see it; and in the event that they dont, thats fine too. The whole worlds oblivion to greatness doesn't in any way reduce greatness. The Mona Lisa will still be the Mona Lisa even if no one looks at it.
    SO honeydo, feel it or not, it's there:)
    and no, I'm not lecturing you. But I will if I find it necessary:)

    And Islet1: the only thing that bothers me about your brilliance is the way I start to feel like the small sister when you start to speak:0
    But I love you still. xoxo.

  3. @feather- when you are thrust in a place where you need it,it shows up.oneday you'll realisethat it was in you all along:-) there is a certain type of objectivity that comes with looking back....makes you wonder why you couldn't see things from the start.

    @scotchbiscuits-sweet.dont worry , you are legally the big dont have to feel like it to be it.

  4. And you call me the philosophical one? :-)
    This is powerful, brilliantly so.

  5. @princess-for me its just moments of inspiration,for you,a lifetime of being still are the weirder one.

  6. Weird in that sense interprets as the highest of all compliments. :D
    At least, I choose to believe so. :-)
