Saturday, October 25, 2008


As life unravels before my eyes i quickly realise that there are no guarantees, no boundaries beyond those in my head , no complete absolutes, no way of being sure that everything will turn out  the way i'd like nor think it should. So why strive in a world devoid of certainities? What happens after I  lose my will? It's easy to fall into a learned helplessness having had your hopes beaten into the ground before. Yet deep inside something stirs, a flicker of light, a sign of life. The fighter  in  me will  not be staying  down, bruised n broken but fighting still.


  1. first....!
    in response to "what happens after I lose my will? Lean over to God's will.

    the only boundaries within our realities stems from those already conjured up within our minds and subconciousness.

    I like... Have a great weekend... x

  2. Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice...

  3. loving the song that played when I opened this post.

  4. without hope, the heart dies. its hard to kill it, hope that is

  5. you remember, that night when I took a shower to wash away my life?(hehe..hows that for your book about me?)
    This too shall pass!!

  6. @remi-i'm learning to lean.

    @ fitcelebs- thanks but i didn't take them, just found them. will try to cite the sources.

    @threetypesofcrazy-i love the song too.

    @feather- hope is one stubborn fella, but i'm glad he is that way

    @scotchie-me and you are going to run up a water bill.

    @jaycee-hope has away of showing up at the eleventh hour

    @princess- i thought i was the bully, turns out i was wrong. hope you are happy now.:-)
