Friday, July 24, 2009

battles nobody sees

I am fine, I act fine. I live fine. In fact , fine is me!  I put my issues in a box, and stack it far away. I compartmentalize my life in order to survive. After all, a lie told to self over and over again starts become reality. Once in a while I pull out the box and go to familiar places but the trick is not to stay to long. EVER. Well, today I lingered over a thought and my compartments all disappeared. I tried to catch the spreading mess but my hands could only reach so far. It was more aggressive than I had imagined. It forced its way out, enjoying the new found freedom and suffocating me with every inch gained. I knew this day would come but I don’t remember ever thinking it would be this way. I’d have thought of the proverbial plan B because right now I’m running butt naked in the rain to keep sane.

***If light is the only thing that can dispel darkness why is the light only just flickering? What happened to bright searing beams?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

today i saw a man for a man.

Calloused hands,
rough hewn features
broody eyes, a sunburn.
He said he found it strange
that the manner in which i talked
reminded him of  her
life had once been kinder to him
there was a twinkle in his eye
as he spoke of long lost dreams
a smile skirted across his lips
and in an instant it was gone
his face fell back into
it's a calm resigned state.
He said the only thing worse
than tragedy, was owning it
and refusing to let it go.
Today I saw a man for a man,
trying not to be the bitter kind.