Sunday, November 8, 2009

To whom it may concern.....

the only thing to come out of this long absence is an intense disgust for all things cute( stories, books, beliefs, even tissue) and a creepy desire for anything that is shocking. There is a stranger in my mind,throwing stuff around , shaking it up a little bit which might explain why i cant quite write coherently. my girlfriends think i'm in a weird place and it's just a phase. my sister keeps wondering why i'm so dysfunctional and where the disconnect with fellow humans comes from. all i do look, listen and return to operating at bare minimum. Having given you an update ,i'm returning to my cave to perhaps retrieve my scripted and much more easily read personality .Crazier stuff has happened to people so there's no need to worry. I will return........maybe.


  1. ???

    Hehe. I joke, I kid. :)

    But I do loves you anyway, crazy or sane.

  2. want my opinion...? i like the crazy in people...keep doin your thing...

  3. And when you come out of the cave,we shall be waiting

  4. @princess- me loves you too...but it's time to take our affair off blogger;-)

    L.A.-will do...keep doing you too.

    Tricia and Ashy -much respect for your patience.

  5. what better opportunity to write. shock us if you want to. write it all down. you'd be surprised at just how many people are like you.

  6. Feather-me thinks you make a good point:)
