Thursday, December 4, 2008

On writing.......

Writers should not be afraid. The selective universality of human experience ensures that someone somewhere will understand what we are talking about. Many writers have been abhorred before they were applauded. Many who really made a difference did not live to see it. But that did not get in their way. Draw into the resources hidden within you and let your words speak for you. The legitimate desire to be better at what we do should not drive us to become something that we are not. Let your thoughts be yours. A man may be bound in chains but as long as he can still think independently ,he is as free as a bird. Learn from those before you, let the influences around you provoke you to explore the possibilties. But when the pen meets the paper, be true to yourself....tell the story as only you can.

"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self doubt."
Sylvia Plath


  1. Hmmm... better words of literal encouragement could not be found.

    Mucho gracias.

    The Dark Knight /

  2. Thanks a lot for posting this. The heading caught my attention and i followed the link. It was worth it.

  3. You are very smart little cookie. You should be a celebrity you know! so while you are signing the autos I can go out and spend your money. and also, then I can be a celebrity by association!!

  4. @princess- so am i.

    @solomon- i would not be too sure, but thanks.

    @normzo and osondu- thanks.

    @scotchie- i think the reverse is true.
